Inside IPSY

I came across the idea of buying monthly subscriptions of makeup for as low as $10/month through IPSY. Being a makeup lover, I signed myself up. However, I was still skeptical about the whole thing. For all you ladies who are interested in doing the same thing, this is my overall opinion of the whole experience.

IPSY will pretty much make you post their information on Facebook in order to get access to the $10 'glambag'. Essentially, they are using you for advertisement so you can use them right back for inexpensive makeup. Also, in order to gain access to the 'glambag' (or be put of the wait list or some shit like that) you have follow them on youtube. I'm guessing, the whole reason that the makeup bag is so inexpensive is because they are using the hell out of you to get their name out there. If you don't mind that, then I'd go ahead a sign yourself up. The high end make up brands for $10 a month isn't bad at all. Also, take note that it's important to sign yourself up late in the month because if you sign up in the beginning of the month, you have to wait until the next month to get your glambag.


AYRES Body Butter, Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser, Skone Cosmetics Tattoo Eyeliner, Nicole by OPI Nail Polish and NOYAH Lipstick. 

AYRES Body Butter, Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser, Skone Cosmetics Tattoo Eyeliner, Nicole by OPI Nail Polish and NOYAH Lipstick. 

This is my first bag. I signed myself up September 6th, had to wait until October to get my bag and until the middle of the month for the bag to ship to me. 

So my overall impression of IPSY? Honestly, I was underwhelmed with my products. I think that the quiz they make you take in order to tailor your products to your needs is completely bull shit. I think that the bag took a lot longer to come than it should of. I mean a monthly subscription and it doesn't ship until the middle of the month? Hell, October is half way over! 

But when it comes down to it, if you are a makeup lover and have 10 bucks to dish out every month, I would totally sign yourself up. For instance, you'll try new things and new colors in great brands that you would never have access to before. 

Do it, sign yourself up. Click here to do so,

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