Stop before you pop!

Home remedies that help clear up acne (and actually work)

If you're anything like me, your skin will break out with pimples that are a huge pain in the ass to get rid of. Since this seems to happen to my face over and over again, I've been trying a variety of home remedies to reduce my pimples and make my face more flawless. This method is one that I tried and was very impressed with the results.

First things first, DO NOT POP YOUR PIMPLE. I know, I know this may be hard to do, especially when it's a giant pop-able whitehead, but trust me, don't do it. I read a bit about acne and it turns out the white stuff (gross, I know) that comes out of a pimple is only on the surface. Therefore, there is stuff underneath that you can't physically get to, so all you are doing is spreading bacteria and making more areas of your face prone to breakout. 

Here are step by step directions to follow to get rid of a pimple over night. 

  1. Ice the pimple for 10 minutes. 
  2. Steam your face for 10 minutes. This is most easily achieved by putting a towel over your head and sticking near the sink with running hot water. 
  3. Since steaming opened your pores, it's time for acne medicine. You can use whatever you prefer, but this is my favorite over the counter product for spot treatment. 
Clean & Clear Persa-Gel-10

Clean & Clear Persa-Gel-10

Any brand aloe vera gel will work! 

Any brand aloe vera gel will work! 


4. Now this part is something I found very unusual to be using on my face, but let me tell you, it does work wonders! Apply a layer of aloe vera to your entire face. Yes, I said ALOE VERA, the stuff you put on sunburns. Who would thought it?! 

Any brand will do the trick, just make sure it isn't gel toothpaste. 

Any brand will do the trick, just make sure it isn't gel toothpaste. 



5. Get ready for bed and apply a thin layer of toothpaste your pimple. This will help reduce redness. 




I realize that my pimple isn't completely gone, but it is a hell of a lot better than it would be if I popped it! Repeat steps until pimple is completely gone and that sucker will be history. 


Kylie RichardsComment