Organic Weight Loss/ Detox

If you never heard of apple cider vinegar, let me tell you a bit about it. Mostly, you'll find ACV in kitchen pantries for cooking. Most people don't realize the health benefits that ACV can provide while consumed daily. To drink it sounds gross, I know. But it really isn't that bad. If you can stand the bitterness of a glass of wine, you'll be fine. 

So I heard that this stuff can aid in weight loss, since vinegar is a natural appetite suppressant and detox agent. All you do is mix about a tablespoon of ACV into about a cup of water 3 times a day, preferably before each meal. Let me tell you, this shit works!! Please note that I'm not saying that drinking this and filling your belly with beer, junk food and shitting on your ass all day will help you loose weight. I'm saying that combing this to a healthy lifestyle will help you loose weight and become more energized as toxins leave your body. 

I don't have a fancy before and after picture to show you, but here is a picture of me in a pair of shorts that were too small before I started drinking this. I could actually get them past my ass and buttoned! My belly is firmer and I feel overall, better. And heck, I'm barely sucking in it this picture! ;)

When it comes down to it, I'm writing this blog because I've been overwhelmed with the health benefits that apple cider vinegar has on your body, for a whole slue of reasons, not just for weight loss. 

Here's some links to back up my claims. Just read for yourself:

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