If you can tie a knot, you can easily make this headband.

I've dreamt about posting my own DIY blog. I have this site, I have the art and crafts supplies and I have a camera… so why the hell not. 

Here's how to make a 'hippie' headband. This headband is perfect for people with giant heads… like me (it means you have a lot of brains) and people with small heads, since it's tailor made. I'd say you could probably make about 10 headbands out of these supplies and these supplies cost probably $15. Target is now selling a similar headband for $15, so you do the math. 

Tip: If you purchase these items at Michael's or AC Moore, they have weekly coupons for 40% off one item, available online or smart phones. 

Tip: If you purchase these items at Michael's or AC Moore, they have weekly coupons for 40% off one item, available online or smart phones. 

  1. Start with everything posted above: a hot glue gun, hot glue sticks, roll of hemp, and fake flowers of your choice (not too big though, keep it less than 2 inches).
  2. Start with three to five pieces of hemp. I would say about two arms length in size will do the trick.

3. Then, about three inches into the hemp, make a loop over your index finger. Twist about three or four times with your index finger. 


4. Then using your middle finger and thumb, pinch the string that is twisted.

5. This might be the hardest part to explain so bear with me. Push the string pinched with your middle finger and thumb up in the loop that was created over your index finger. This will create a loop. 

6. Pull the loop and the shorter string to make the knot that created tighter. 

7. Then stick your index finger in the loop again and repeat steps 3-5 until the headband is desired length for your head. 

Tip: It's easiest to try on as you go, that way it's perfectly tailored to your head size!

Tip: It's easiest to try on as you go, that way it's perfectly tailored to your head size!

8. When desired length, pull the string out of loop so it created a knot. 

9. Usually, I'd come up with some fancy way to tie a knot at the end. But since this is a 'bohemian' inspired headband, a simple knot at the end is completely acceptable. 

10. Now's the fun part! Pull the fake flowers off the vine, as well as the center part so they lay flat. Glue those suckers on however you would like! 


That's it! You're done and free to rock your hippie headband.